Thursday, April 23, 2015

End of the work week at Apricot St.



It was a late night tonight. After dinner and a trip to the gelato shop, we all came back to Duchesne House just to hang out. The threatening weather was a little too dicey to go to an outdoor concert. So it's late, therefore I will keep tonight's entry brief.

What a fantastic week of work at Apricot Street! Khang, Jake, Mason, Gabby, Kristen, and Drew were awesome! When we arrived on Monday, our house only had siding about half way up the front and side of the house. The site manager's plan was for us to try to finish the 2 side walls during our time there. We slit up into smaller teams and, after a day of getting used to a massive number of volunteers on one site...I think we had 20 people on site a couple of was crowded. Eventually Joe, one of our site managers, helped with the overcrowding and assigned small groups tasks all over the property. Each small group went about their business each and every day this week with drive and dedication. At 4:10 this afternoon, 10 minutes after quitting time, we nailed in the last board of is siding and completed our 2 side walls! I am so proud of the work everyone did this week on our site. You all worked with such passion and drive. I hope, no, I believe that this week of service has lit a fire inside of help and serve those people around us. I pray that you will feed that fire and bring it back home with you, whether you serve Nola again someday or serve the people in your community, your friends, or your family. Great job guys! Sleep well, you earned it!

Mr. B

1 comment:

  1. The house looks great!!

    Continue to feed the fire and let that fire of the Holy Spirit (we Lasallians call that fire "zeal") drive you to service wherever you find yourselves!

