Friday, April 24, 2015

Our final day in Nola

Today was a fun day. We had one last cultural experience planned for everyone. This morning we visited the Musicians Village and the Ellis Marsalis Center for Music Education. Harry Connick Jr. and Branford Marsalis were the spearheads of the Musicians Village shortly after Katrina. They believed that in order to bring New Orleans back, they had to bring the culture back, and to bring the culture back they had to bring the musicans back. They partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help build affordable homes for musicians. A few years back, they were also part of developing a music school in the community to provide music instruction to the kids of the neighborhood, including instruments rentals and loans. It was truly Lasallian in spirit and it was an amazing facility and program.

One of the most important experiences of the trip took place tonight, our final group reflection. Each night, students had the option to share a thought, a prayer, a feeling, something about their day. Tonight, at dinner, we asked that everyone be prepared to share something. I sat back and listened to deep, emotional, and insightful comments. One student after the next sharing their thoughts on where they saw God this week, on the sense of community within our group and in the city, on how this experience has brought them back to God and back to prayer, about how they found joy in serving others until an hour had passed. I was awe struck, I was proud, but most of all I was inspired! I have witnessed God in the students who have shared this experience with me over the years. I am blessed to have had the opportunity to work with these amazing young people and I am blessed to have had the opportunity to share this experience with a friend who shares the same passion for this city and it's people.

I find myself sitting here as I wind down for the night and the music of Dr. John is echoing in my head...the soundtrack of this moment..."Do you know what it means, to miss New Orleans?"

Thank you Duchesne House!
Thank you Project Homecoming!
Thank you Ms. Cerros!
Thank you Sarah!
Thank you Sam!
Thank you Gabby!
Thank you Ronnie!
Thank you Jake!
Thank you Mason!
Thank you Khang!
Thank you Drew!
Thank you Alex!
Thank you Brian!
Thank you Joe!
Thank you God!

Good night everyone,
Mr. B

1 comment:

  1. And--thank you, Brian!

    De La Salle tells us that the work is the Lord's but that we have to cooperate in this work as faithful stewards and ministers of His grace. You have been such a faithful steward and minister of God's grace in touching the hearts of the young men and women who joined you. New Orleans has opened their hearts and yours!

